Close your eyes and count to 5, Make a scary sound, Clap your hands, Chicken dance, Rotten Egg, Rotten Egg, Rotten Egg, i, l, b, p, k, n, m, j, u, w, y, a, d, g, c, o, qu, s, e, x, v, z, ck, ee, ng, th, rotten egg, rotten egg, rotten egg, What is a noun?, What is an adjective?, Free point!, Free point!, Free point!, Free point!, What is a compound word? , What is a suffix?, What does the suffix -est means?, What does the spelling rule of C say?, What does the spelling rule of G say?, What does the spelling rule of CK say?, What does the spelling rule of QU say?, What does the spelling rule of #21 say?.

Rotten Egg Phonogram L2


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