1) Which is the correct word?  a) Maths b) Science c) P.E 2) Which is the correct word? a) Science lab b) Music c) ICT 3) Which is the correct word? a) headteacher b) dinner lady c) science lab 4) Which is the correct word? a) Maths b) canteen c) science lab 5) Which is the correct word?  a) Maths b) canteen c) science lab 6) Which is the correct word?  a) Natural Science  b) Social Science c) ICT 7) Which is the correct word?  a) Natural Science b) Social Science c) ICT 8) Which is the correct word?  a) Social Studies b) P.E c) ICT 9) Which is the correct word?  a) teacher b) headteacher c) dinner lady 10) Which is the correct word?  a) English b) Maths c) P.E

Team Together 3 Unit 1 Vocabulary

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