What kind of music do you enjoy most? , Would you say that you have an exciting social life?, Would you say that you lead a healthy lifestyle?, How do you feel about extreme sports?, Would you consider going on holiday on your own?, Tell us about a friend of yours and how you met them., How important have teachers been in your life so far?, How do you think the place where you live will change over the next few years? , What do you consider to be success in life? , Do you use social networking sites much? , Have you ever had the opportunity to really help a friend in need?, Would you like to be famous?, Do you think it's better to work for a large company than a small one?, Do you prefer studying on your own or with other people?, Do you have many friends or a small circle of friends?, Tell us about a memorable journey you have made, Where would you go if you had a month's holiday and a lot of money?, Do you prefer watching films at home or at the cinema? , Tell us about a story that is currently in the news., What would be your ideal job? , Tell us about a special meal you have recently had., If you could change one thing about the place where you live, what would it be?, What do you hope to be doing this time next year?, What kind of things cause you stress?, How do you think your life might change over the next five years?, Do you keep a diary? If so, what sort of things do you write in it?, Are you someone who likes to plan for the future or do you prefer to let things happen?, How important are computers in your daily life?, How important is sport in your life?, Are you the kind of person who can do two things at the same time?, What household chores do yourself do at home?, If you had the opportunity to learn something new, what would you choose?, Which time of year do you enjoy most?, How important is it to have friends who share the same interests as you?, What are your aims and ambitions for the future?, What advice would you give to someone coming to visit your country?, What kind of TV programmes do you enjoy most watching?, How good is the place where you live for someone of your generation?, Which part of the day you enjoy most?, How does a typical day for you start?, Is there a festival in your country which is very popular?, What famous person would you like most to have dinner with?, What were the most useful things you learnt at school?, What kind of films do you enjoy?, What would you do if you suddenly won a lot of money?, Do you think you have the right balance between work and relaxation in your life?, How important do you think it is to get on well with your neighbours?, Tell us about something surprising that has happened to you?, Would you enjoy preparing food for a large number of people?, Looking back on your life, what has been a memorable event for you?, How do you normally keep in touch with friends and family?, Are you excited or worried about the future?, How important is reading in your life?, Tell us about a film that you have recently seen, How easy is it for you to meet new people?, What kind of news do you keep up to date with?, How would you feel about going to live permanently abroad?, What things do you enjoy most when travelling on holiday?, Who has had the greatest influence on your life so far?.

CAE Speaking Part 1

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