1) The Harry Potter series __________________ by J. K. Rowling. a) is written b) was written c) written d) wrote 2) When ___________ mobile phones ____________? a) is / invented b) was / invented c) were / invented d) invented / were 3) The most famous portrait in the world, Mona Lisa, ________________ by Leonardo da Vinci. a) was painted b) is painted c) were painted d) has been painted 4) X-rays __________________ in 1895 by Wilhelm Conrad Roentgen, who was a German Professor. a) discovered b) are discovered c) is discovered d) were discovered 5) Scissors ___________________ for cutting thin materials, such as paper and metal foil. a) used b) are used c) use d) is used 6) The movie Avatar _______________ by James Cameron. a) is directed b) directed c) is being directed d) was directed 7) Wooden toothpickes ______________ from birch wood. a) are cut b) were cut c) have been cut d) will be cut 8) When ___________ the Great Wall of China ____________? a) is / build b) was / built c) were / built d) built / were 9) Cars _______________ in factories. a) are produced b) were produced c) is being produced d) produced 10) Olives _______________ in Mediterranean countries. a) are grown b) is grown c) has been grown d) was grown 11) Brilliant ideas ________ generally __________. a) were / copied b) have been / copied c) are / copied d) is / copied 12) The light bulb ____________________ by Thomas Edison. a) was not invented b) has not been invented c) were invented d) were not invented 13) How often __________ hotel carpets __________? a) is / cleaned b) was/ cleaned c) will be / cleaned d) are / cleaned 14) Google ____________ officially ____________ in 1998. a) had been / launched b) was / launched c) is / launched d) were / launched

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