1) I _____ study history at university if I get good exam results. a) will b) - c) would 2) Do you really think you _____ happier if you had more money? a) be b) will be c) would be 3) If we _____ a lot of money, we’d buy a house in the country. a) had b) have c) will have 4) _____ it’s really cold, we’ll have lunch outside tomorrow. a) When b) If c) Unless 5) I won’t speak to her unless she _____. a) apologized b) will apologize c) apologizes 6) They’re staying in a rented flat _____ they find a house to buy. a) before b) until c) when 7) If I _____ you, I would look for a better-paid job. a) was b) were c) would be 8) What will we do _____ we can’t find their house? a) unless b) when c) if 9) If we don’t get to the concert early, we _____ get good seats. a) don't b) wouldn't c) won't 10) If the taxi _____ come soon, we’re going to be late. a) isn't b) doesn't c) won't 11) What _____ you do if you won the competition? a) do b) will c) would 12) We’ll have something to eat _____ we get home. a) as soon b) as soon as c) as

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