I can't ride a bike ---> I can't ride ..., Look at the flowers! ---> Look at ..., Can you see Peter? ---> Can you see ...?, Don't drink the water. ---> Don't drink ..., Go with John and Ann. ---> Go with ..., Sit next to Jenny. ---> Sit next to ..., Listen to your parents. ---> Listen to ..., Invite me and Tom for dinner. ---> Invite ... for dinner., The present is for Jo and me. ---> The present is for ..., This is my pen. ---> Give the pen to ..., We need a break. ---> Can you give ... a break?, Bob can't do the exercise. ---> Let's help ....

Object pronouns replacing


Lyderių lentelė

Atsitiktinės kortos yra neterminuotas šablonas. Jis negeneruoja rezultatų lyedrių lentelei.

Vizualinis stilius


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