1) what kind of greeting card is it ? a) mother day b) father day c) aniversary card d) birthday card 2) who is the sender a) Andi b) Faruq c) Andi and faruq d) Me 3) what kind of card is it a) Father day card b) Baby born card c) Get well soon card d) Congratulation card 4) what kind of card is it a) get well soon card b) wedding day card c) Father day card d) baby born card 5) is this card happy ? a) no it is not b) yes it is 6) is this card sad ? a) no it is not b) yes it is 7) what kind of greeting card is it ? a) Father day card b) Mother day card c) Teacher day card d) birdday card 8) who is mrs laila a) mother b) teacher c) aunt d) classmate 9) who is the owner of the house ? a) Handy  b) Heni c) Handy and Heni d) my classmate 10) what kind of greeting card is it ? a) father day card b) mother day card c) wedding day card d) birthday card

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