1) Which of these DOES NOT come at the end of a sentence? a) Full stop . b) Comma , c) Question mark ? d) Exclamation mark ! 2) Which of these sentences is correct? a) i like school b) i like school, c) I like school. d) i like school. 3) I saw my cousin sitting over ________ a) they're b) there c) their 4) She ________ wants to be a singer when she is older a) definitley b) definitly c) defiantly  d) definitely 5) Last year I went to england and france with my family.  a) Correct b) Incorrect 6) They was about to drive to the airport when they remembered their passports. a) Correct b) Incorrect 7) I sat quietly in my seat. I ________ the clouds outside the window. a) seen b) saw 8) My little brother woke me up like an hour later. a) Correct b) Incorrect 9) Which one is correct? a) "Hurry up!" shouted the woman. b) "Hurry up"! shouted the woman c) "Hurry up! shouted the woman" 10) We walked to the zoo but it was ________ hot. a) two b) to c) too 11) Yesterday I ________ all my homework. a) did b) done 12) My friend felt kinda sad so I tried to help. a) Correct b) Incorrect 13) We were fast asleep when we ________ a loud bang. a) hered b) heared c) heard d) herd 14) "Last month I swam with dolphins in the sea. I feel so happy." Which word is in the wrong tense? a) swam b) felt 15) How many words need capital letters in this sentence? "My family and i travelled by plane to mexico. when we arrived we went to the oasis hotel. my sister megan was so tired."  a) 4 b) 5 c) 6 d) 7

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