1) What is the correct sentence? a) You spilled some milk b) You some spilled milk c) You spilled any milk 2) Any can be used in negative sentences a) True b) False c) Maybe 3) How some and any differ? a) both are the same b) some is used in positives and any in negatives and questions c) some is used in questions and any in negative and positive sentences 4) Choose the correct sentence a) She doesn't have some friends in this town b) She doesn't have any friends in this town c) She doesn't have are friends in this town 5) I told him about _________ of my experiences. Which is used here? a) some b) any c) are 6) Choose the correct sentence a) All any the girls in my school are pretty b) There are some pretty girls in my school c) There are any pretty girls in my school 7) Choose the correct sentence a) I need to some buy books b) I need some to buy books c) I need to buy some books 8) What is the correct sentence? a) Is there some mazapán left? b) Are there any mazapán left? c) Is there any mazapán left? 9) Choose the correct sentence a) Give me money some b) Could you lend me some money? c) He doesn't give me some money 10) Choose the correct sentence a) There are any Mexicans in the school b) There are some Mexicans in the school c) There are much Mexicans in the school

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