1) He formulated the theory of atomic weight. a) Niels Bohr b) John Dalton c) Niels Bohrwas d) Claude-Louis Berthollet 2) She discovered radium and polonium. a) Rosalind Franklin b) Dorothy Hodgkin c) Maria Skłodowska-Curie d) Ada Lovelace 3) He played a crucial role in the discovery of Antarctic ozone hole. a) Mario Molina b) Fritz Haber c) Claude-Louis Berthollet d) Linus Pauling 4) He was the inventor of dynamite. a) Joseph Pristley b) Louis Pasteur c) Amedeo Avogadro d) Alfred Nobel 5) He discovered the catalysis phenomenon. a) Jacob Berzelius b) Humphry Davy c) Niels Bohr d) John Dalton 6) He discovered the phenomenon of volume contraction. a) Joseph Pristley b) Dmitry Mendeleev c) Mario Molina d) Fritz Haber

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