1) How much is this?  a) IT'S THIRTY CENTS b) IT'S TWENTY CENTS 2) How much are these? a) THEY'RE FIFTY CENTS b) THEY'RE FORTY CENTS 3) How much are these? a) IT'S THIRTY CENTS b) THEY'RE THIRTY CENTS 4) How much is this? a) IT'S TEN CENTS b) THEY'RE TEN CENTS 5) Choose the correct question a) How much is this? b) How much are these? 6) Choose the correct question a) How much is this? b) How much are these? 7) What number is it? a) FORTY-FIVE b) FIFTY-FIVE 8) What number is it? a) THIRTY b) TWENTY 9) What number is it? a) THIRTY-EIGHT b) TWENTY-EIGHT 10) What number is it? a) FORTY-TWO b) FIFTY-TWO

How much is this / are these? + Numbers

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