Bonnie Parker was born in Texas in 1910. She was short and good-looking, a ____ student, but she got bored, left school and got married at the age of sixteen. However, the ____ wasn’t happy and didn’t ____.Clyde was a year older than Bonnie. His parents were farmers, but they didn’t ____ the farm and they were always short of money. His dad finally ____ farming and opened a petrol station in Dallas. Clyde had a job but also started ____ and stealing cars. The two met in 1930. They ____ in love immediately. But the police ____ Clyde a few weeks later and he ____ for two years. In 1932, when he came ____ of prison, in the middle of the Great Depression, there were huge numbers of people looking ____ work, and very few jobs. Unable to ____ work, the young couple joined a ____ and started a career of ____. Clyde ____ the owner of a shop while they were ____ it. It was the first of thirteen ____. They robbed shops and banks across the southern states. They often changed cars – by ____ a new one! Clyde was a good driver and knew the roads very well, so it was difficult for the police to ____ them.They had already killed a number of police officers so the police were determined to capture or ____ the couple. Bonnie and Clyde frequently visited their families. The police knew this and ____. They waited for Bonnie and Clyde to pass in their car and then started ____. The police fired 130 bullets at the car, killing the couple. We like to ____ them. They were young, they were in love and they were always on the road, never settling down. Bonnie wrote poems and Clyde played the saxophone. That ____ to a lot of people, too. And I guess people think of all outlaws as on the side of the ____ people, and against ____. But the reality was very ____, of course.

8C A life of crime

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