1) Idź prosto. a) Turn left. b) Go straight on! c) Turn right. 2) Skręć w lewo. a) Turn right. b) Go straight on. c) Turn left. 3) Idź tą ulicą aż do szkoły a) Go down this road as far as the school. b) Go down this road as far as the roundabout. c) Go straight on. 4) Skręć w prawo. a) Take the first left. b) Go straight on. c) Turn right. 5) Skręć w drugi zakręt w prawo. a) Take the second left. b) Take the second right. c) Take the first right. 6) Skręć w drugi zakręt w lewo. a) Take the first left. b) Take the second left. c) Take the first right. 7) Miń kościół/Przejdź obok kościoła.. a) Go past the museum. b) Go past the school. c) Go past the church. 8) Przejdź przez ulicę. a) Stop at the roundabout. b) Stop here. c) Cross over the street. 9) Idź do końca ulicy. a) Cross over the road. b) Go to the end of the road. c) Stop at the roundabout 10) Idź/jedź prosto na rondzie. a) Go straight on at the roundabout. b) How do I get to the .....please? c) Can you tell me the way to the....,please. 11) Czy może mi pan/pani wskazać drogę do....? a) Go straight on b) Cross the street. c) Can you tell me the way to the....,please? 12) Jak dotrzeć dotrzeć do... a) Stop at the roundabout. b) Cross over the road. c) How do I get to the ......, please?

Steps Plus unit 6 - Giving directions

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Vizualinis stilius


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