1) Is the parrot loud or quiet? a) It's loud b) It's quiet 2) Is the elephant heavy or light? a) It's heavy b) It's light 3) Can bees fly? a) Yes, they can b) No, they can't 4) Is the rabbit fast or slow? a) It's fast b) It's slow 5) Is the sloth fast or slow? a) It's fast b) It's slow 6) Is the lion loud or quiet? a) It's loud b) It's quiet 7) Is the snail heavy or light? a) It's heavy b) It's light 8) Can turtles swim? a) Yes, they can b) No, they can't 9) Can sloths climb? a) Yes, they can b) No, they can't 10) Is the deer fast or slow? a) It's fast b) It's slow 11) Is the bear heavy or light? a) It's heavy b) It's light 12) Is the butterfly heavy or light? a) It's heavy b) It's light 13) Can worms jump? a) Yes, they can b) No, they can't 14) Is the horse fast or slow? a) It's fast b) It's slow 15) Can cats jump? a) Yes, they can b) No, they can't

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