How many forks are there in the Chakra in our National Flag. - 24, The production of tobacco began in the time of - Jahangir, Indian Napoleon was------ - Samudra Gupta, Moti Masjid at Agra fort has been constructed by ____ - Shah Jahan, The Aryans came from central Asia to India around ___ - 2500 B.C, Sea route to India was discovered by _______ - Portuguese explorer Vasco da Gama., Indus Valley people had trade relations with - Mesopotamia, During which period wheel and pottery was invented? - Neolithic Age, A national religion called Din-i-Illahi was promulgated by - Akbar, Who introduced English Education in India..... - Lord William Bentick, The Indian National Congress was Founded by....... - A.O Hume, Who planted the 'Tree of Liberty' at Srirangapatnam.... - Tipu Sultan, The Civil services in India was established by.... - Lord Cornwallis, Chalcolithic period - chalco means..... - copper, Chand Bibi was the ruler of ....... - Ahmednagar, At which place was Akbar born....... - Amarkot, Gyatri Mantra contains in which veda/Upanishad.... - Rigveda, Ayurveda owes its origin to ..... - Atharva Veda, Capital of Lakshadweep is..... - Kavarati, Which fort was first constructed by the British in India...... - Fort St. George,

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