1) He has been out ... work for 6 months. a) out b) on c) up d) in e) over f) from 2) I've thinking of handing...my resignation. a) up b) on c) back d) in e) over f) out 3) Let's go ...who's responsible for what one last time. a) up b) on c) over d) in e) from f) to 4) He has taken ... Spanish, as he has been bored during the virus. a) on b) up c) of d) from e) off f) over 5) When using the public transport beware ... pickpockets. a) of b) from c) on d) in e) out f) off 6) He took ... the business when his father retired. a) on b) up c) over d) of e) off f) from 7) How can I shut ... the printer? a) up b) down c) on d) in e) at f) from 8) After a couple of months, money will start rolling... a) on b) at c) in d) from e) of f) for

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