1) Where is Scotland? a) b) c) d) 2) What is the capital city of Scotland? a) London b) Glasgow c) Shanghai d) Edinburgh 3) What are the colours of Scotland flag? a) blue and white b) red and white c) white and green d) white, red and blue 4) Which flag is the Scottish flag? a) b) c) d) e) f) 5) What is the name of the traditional Scottish clothes? a) Kilt b) Koal c) Kitten d) Killer 6) What is the national animal of Scotland? a) Panda b) Umbrella c) Highland cow d) Unicorn e) Haggis f) Deer 7) What is the traditional Scottish instrument? a) Guitar b) Bagpipes c) Piano d) Glockenspiel 8) What is the name of the best known Scottish delicacy?  a) baggis b) haggis c) taggis d) sausage 9) What is the name of the monster that lives in Loch Ness? a) Neil b) Norman c) Nessie d) Nick e) Nina f) Nigel

Scotland quiz. 2nd grade

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