1) Where was the first Olympics ? a) United States b) Greece c) England d) Russia 2) When do the Olympic games happen? a) Spring b) Winter c) Summer d) Fall 3) How often do the Olympic games happen?  a) Every 10 years b) Every year c) Every 4 years d) Every month 4) Which of the following is NOT a sport that is played at the Olympics?  a) Basketball b) Swimming c) Track (Running) d) Race car driving 5) Where will be the Olympic games in 2024?  a) Paris/France b) Rome/Italy c) London/England d) Athens/Greece 6) The Olympic Flag has how many rings? a) nine b) five c) seven d) two 7) What do athletes win in the Olympic games now? a) Cars b) Medals  c) Money d) Laurel crown

The Olympics Quizz - teacher Jordana

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