1) What is _____ (big) animal in the world? a) the elephant b) the blue whale c) the giraffe 2) What is _____ (fast) animal in the world? a) the cheetah b) the leopard c) the jaguar 3) What is _____ (small) country in the world? a) Monaco City b) San Marino City c) Vatican City 4) Who is _____ (tall) person in the world? a) Sultan Kosen b) Sandy Allen c) Robert Waldow 5) What is _____ (cold) place in the world? a) Greenland b) The North Pole c) Antarctica 6) What is _____ (small) mammal in the world? a) the mouse b) the bumblebee bat c) the guinea pig 7) What is _____ (hot) planet in the Solar System? a) Venus b) Mercury c) Mars 8) What is _____ (large) continent? a) Europe b) Asia c) America 9) What is ______________ (high) mountain in the world? a) Makalu (Nepal) b) K2 (Pakistan) c) Mount Everest (Nepal) 10) What is _____ (long) river in the world? a) Amazon b) Nile c) Mississippi 11) What is _____ (high) building in the world? a) Shanghai Tower b) Burj Khalifa c) One World Trade Center 12) What is _____ (deep) lake in the world? a) Nahuel Huapi b) Great Bear c) Baikal 13) What is _____ (hot) desert in the world? a) Sahara desert b) Arabian desert c) Kalahari desert 14) What is _____ (big) ocean in the world? a) Indian Ocean b) Pacific Ocean c) Atlantic Ocean

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