I have two VIP tickets to see Barcelona vs Real Madrid on the same night as my mother in law’s 50th birthday party., I found a wallet in the street with $20.000 in it., I got very drunk at the office Christmas party and kissed my boss., I am the manager of a big company. I have a vacancy for a salesman and my sister wants the job, but she has no experience., I saw my best friend’s girlfriend kiss another person., I have no motivation to exercise., I spend too much time on social networking websites., I want to change my eating habits but I don´t like vegetables., Last night I saw my friend's couple kissing another person, I have bad marks at university, I can't sleep because my neighbour plays the cello till 1 a.m, My parents want me to go to law school but I am interested in arts, I think my parents read my whatsapp messages, I won the lottery and I don't know what to do with the money, I forgot to buy a present for my sister's birthday, I'm at a restaurant and I forgot the wallet.


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