1) Kate ............................................... (not play) on the game console when I entered the room a) didn't play b) wasn't playing c) didn't played d) wasn't play 2) I ....................................(not look) at your answers when you were writing the test, I swear! a) didn't look b) wasn't looked c) wasn't looking 3) While I was cleaning my laptop drive, I accidentally .........................................(delete) my geography presentation a) was deleting b) was deleted c) deleted 4) The printer that ............................................(we / buy) yesterday doesn’t seem to work properly a) we bought b) we were buying c) we buyed 5) She (oglądała) .....................................................TV when Tome came.  a) watched b) was watching c) was watched 6) How much ......................................(he / pay) for this laptop? It doesn’t look cheap! a) did he pay b) was he paing c) did he paid 7) .....................................(you / prepare) your biology presentation when I came home yesterday? a) Were you prepared b) Did you prepare c) Were you preparing 8) They (nie poszli do)........................................ the cinema yesterday.  a) didn't go to b) didn't went to c) weren't going to


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