1) Microsoft PowerPoint is a ............................... Software. a) Application b) Document c) Graphics/ Presentaion d) Media 2) A Slide is like a .......................................... of PowerPoint Presentation. a) Page b) Icon c) Document d) Thumbnail 3) ..................................... includes the Toolbar and Various Menus a) Quick Access Toolbar b) Slide c) Arrow keys d) The Ribbon 4) The .............................. View is the Default Presentation View. a) Normal b) Slide Sorter c) Thumbnail d) Slide Show 5) ...................... Function Key is used to display the Slide Show. a) F5 b) F4 c) F2 d) F1 6) Shortcut Key to create a new Presentation is .................................. a) Ctrl+c b) Ctrl+v c) Ctrl+z d) Ctrl+n 7) Shortcut Key to save a Presentation is .......................................... a) Ctrl+x b) Ctrl+s c) Ctrl+q d) Ctrl+v 8) When a file is saved in PowerPoint its creates a ................................. extension. a) .doc b) .png c) .pptx d) .xls

Class V - PowerPoint

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