1) ________ did you stay at the restaurant? a) How long b) How much c) How many 2) ________ exams did you do last summer? a) How long b) How many c) How much 3) ________ exams did you do last summer? a) How long b) How many c) How much 4) I think English is ________ than maths. a) easier b) more easy c) easy 5) He ________ play the piano. a) can't b) can't to c) don't can 6) Does this book belong to ________? a) you b) your c) yours 7) It's not ours, it's ________. a) theirs b) they're c) their 8) That's Joe and that's Anne. This is ________ house. a) they're b) their c) there 9) I've ________ been to North America. a) ever b) have c) never 10) Those ________ my pens. They're yours. a) aren't b) isn't c) don't 11) I ________ your father on the train yesterday. a) seed b) see c) saw 12) ________ going to the cinema this evening. a) We don't b) We isn't c) We're not 13) Internet news is ________ than newspapers. a) exciting b) excitinger c) more exciting 14) ________ it a hospital before? a) Was b) Were c) Did 15) ________ she your sister? a) Are b) Do c) Is 16) My new bicycle is much ________ than my old one. a) more good b) better c) good 17) James ________ a lot of money at the restaurant. a) spended b) spent c) spented 18) They've got three children. Julia is the middle ________. a) one b) ones c) children 19) At the moment I ________ my oldest jacket. a) 'm wearing b) wear c) 'm wear 20) What do you ________ for lunch? a) eat usually b) usually to eat c) usually eat

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