Sensori-Motor: Age 0 to 2, Focused on coordinating motor responses with sensory inputs, Non-verbal (mostly) with simple reflexes, Achieve object permanence (idea that object exists when out of sight) achieved, Invisible displacement task, Hidden toy task (visible displacement), Pre-Operational: Age 2 to 6, Animism (believe everything has a consciousness), Uses language but little understanding of internal mental states, Egocentric (cannot take perspective of others), Does not understand concrete logic, cannot mentally operate, Three-mountain task, Concrete Operational: Age 7 to 11, Mentally manipulate concrete materials/ideas but limited understanding of abstract concepts, Achieve conservation (weight, mass and volume of matter remain unchanged although appearance of object changes, Time, space and number concepts, Achieve classification and seriation, Conservation tasks (explanation of manipulation of liquids, plasticine, counters), Formal Operational: Age 12 to adult, Think about abstract concepts that may not be seen, Think about their thoughts (metacognition) and become less egocentric, Logical thought, deductive reasoning and systematic planning start, Can form and test hypotheses scientifically, Pendulum problem,

Developmental Psychology - Piaget's Stages

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