1) RESTAURANT - It’s a place where people ... a) watch a film. b) have lunch. c) buy sunglasses. d) borrow books. 2) CINEMA - It’s a place where people ... a) watch a film. b) have dinner. c) buy books. d) buy a dress. 3) OPTICIAN’S - It’s a place where people ... a) borrow books. b) buy bread. c) deposit money. d) buy glasses. 4) LIBRARY - It’s a place where people ... a) borrow books. b) buy sunglasses. c) buy books. d) buy medicine. 5) BANK - It’s a place where people ... a) buy a shirt. b) borrow books. c) deposit money. d) cut hair. 6) CLOTHES SHOP - It’s a place where people ... a) buy jeans. b) send letters. c) have breakfast. d) buy beer. 7) BAKERY - It’s a place where people ... a) drink coffee. b) cut hair. c) send letters. d) buy bread. 8) PHARMACY - It’s a place where people ... a) watch a film. b) drink beer. c) buy medicine. d) send letters.

New Horizons - A1 - Vocabulary - Lesson 7 - Practice 3

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