1) Yesterday Tim and his family _____ at the seaside a) is b) were c) are d) was 2) Last weekend I ______ in the country a) am b) is c) were d) was 3) My friends _____ at summer camp last summer a) were b) are c) ai d) is 4) Look! I ____ in the mountains, mountains_____ cool! a) was,were b) am, are c) is, are d) am, were 5) My little sister _____ at home.  a) was b) are c) is d) were 6) My parents ______ abroad. They live in Poland. a) was b) are c) were d) am 7) It_____Monday today. It ______ rainy. a) are b) is c) was d) were 8) Yestarday ____ Sunday. The weather _____ sunny and warm a) was b) were c) is d) am 9) Look at my bookcase. There _______ a lot of books in it. a) is b) are c) were d) am 10) Anna, I like your shoes, they ______ super! a) were b) are c) was d) is 11) I had 5 lessons yesterday. I _____ tired a) am b) was c) is d) were 12) Last summer _____ hot. I like hot weather a) were b) was c) is d) are 13) Me and my family _____ in the country a week ago. a) were b) was c) are d) is 14) In June I______ in town. There ______ a lot of things to do. a) were,was b) was,were c) is, were 15) This ice-cream_____ so good I like it a) are b) was c) were d) is

The Verb "To Be" in Present and Past Simple


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