1) Before making a final decision, you should take all factors into ---. a) account b) stake c) mind d) thought 2) I'm having second --- about getting married. Maybe I shouldn't do it after all. a) mind b) thoughts c) account d) ideas 3) I’m in two --- about accepting the job. I’m just not sure whether it’s the right a) opinions b) choices c) minds d) heads 4) Now the choice should be easier because I narrowed the list ----- to just two options. a) up b) straight c) forward d) down 5) When appointing Alice as a Vice-President, I trusted my --- and it seems I should do it more often because it was a great decision. a) gut b) belly button c) stomach d) inside 6) I didn’t think twice – I accepted the job straight away. It’s a ------- opportunity. a) once upon a time b) once and for all c) one too many d) once-in-a-lifetime

How to make decisions faster

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