Compound Predicate: City planners predict and guide the development of towns and cities., Ancient people changed and improved their cities too., People often threw garbage into the streets or piled it up outside city walls., Diseases spread quickly and killed many people., With better roads and vehicles, merchants could transport and sell their goods., The people of Teotihuacan, in Mexico, planned a street system and built apartment buildings., Churches often stood in the center of town and were the most expensive building., The palace and interiors at Versailles, in France, still amaze and delight visitors today., Colonial American cities and towns were designed or planned as well.., George Washington hired and then fired Pierre L'Enfant, the planner of Washington D.C., L'Enfant's plan was still followed and used during the development of the city., His plan included parks and wide streets and provided for many grand public buildings., Compound Subject: Local governments and citizen groups often employ city planners., Recreational areas and transportation are important to many communities., The public buildings and monuments of ancient Rome and Athens are evidence of planning., Water and garbage were always problems in ancient cities., The Roman water supply system and sewer system are still admired today., During the Middle Ages, some overcrowded towns and cities knocked down their walls., Italy and France have examples of beautiful plazas from the Renaissance., The palace and gardens at Versailles, in France, still amaze and delight visitors today., Colonial American cities and towns were designed or planned too., Charleston and Philadelphia, for example, are among the early planned cities in America.,

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