1) A job that is ____________ leaves your feeling very tired all the time. a) full-time b) satisfying c) exhausting d) dead-end 2) A _______________ job is one where you work about forty hours every week. a) full-time b) well-paid c) part-time d) manual 3) A job that is ____________ causes you to be worried and anxious all the time. a) manual b) dead-end c) exhausting d) stressful 4) An ______________ job is one where there is little or no chance for you to progress a) well-paid b) dead-end c) stressful d) satisfying 5) A job that is ___________________ is one where you get lots of money for what you do a) satsifying b) exhausting c) well-paid d) part-time 6) A ____________________ job is one where you only work for a part of each day or week. a) part-time b) full-time c) manual d) stressful 7) A job where you do _____________________ work is one where you use your hands and physical strength. a) exhausting b) part-time c) manual d) stressful 8) A(n) ____________________ job makes you feel pleased and happy because you are doing something you like a) satisfying b) stressful c) dead-end d) part-time 9) My grandparents are both retired. They find it difficult living on their monthly _______________. a) pension b) benefits 10) I’m very fortunate; I get a good salary as well as ________________ such as medical insurance and a company car. a) pension b) benefits 11) My boss has increased my _______________! Now I earn a lot more each month a) wage b) salary 12) The minimum ______________ is the smallest amount of money an employer can legally pay an employee a) wage b) salary 13) Free theatre tickets is a __________ of this job that I really appreciate! a) perk b) bonus 14) If we do a good job each month, our boss gives us all a ______________ of €100 a) perk b) bonus 15) Joe’s just been fired, so he’s out looking for a at the moment. a) job b) career 16) Choosing a _____________ in business was one of the best decisions I’ve ever made. a) job b) career 17) Peter has got great _________________. He’s got a degree and five years’ work experience.  a) qualifications b) qualities 18) The ________________ we are looking for in a successful candidate include self-confidence. a) qualifications b) qualities 19) If you want the job, I’d ____________ you to be polite when you’re being interviewed. a) advise b) advice 20) Let me give you some ________________ , Joan. If you don’t work hard, you’ll never get anywhere. a) advise b) advice

UNIT 8 Vocabulary 1 & 2

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