People who work from home are more likely to be exposed ... longer working hours and burnout. - People who work from home are more likely to be exposed to longer working hours and burnout., It isn't the employer's responsibility to protect workers ... burnout - they should just learn to manage their time better. - It isn't the employer's responsibility to protect workers from burnout - they should just learn to manage their time better., If you work with people and your clients count ... your help, you should be available at all times. - If you work with people and your clients count on your help, you should be available at all times., Employers shouldn't insist ... workers following a dresscode. - Employers shouldn't insist on workers following a dresscode., It would be great if more companies reacted ... the changing times and allowed their employees to work from home and have flexible hours. - It would be great if more companies reacted to the changing times and allowed their employees to work from home and have flexible hours., Criticizing employees ... every mistake doesn't improve their motivation. - Criticizing employees for every mistake doesn't improve their motivation.,

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