1) What is the capital of Missouri? a) Jefferson City b) Madison c) Pierre d) Lincoln 2) What is the capital of Iowa? a) Lansing b) Des Moines c) Columbus d) Springfield 3) What is the capital of Minnesota? a) Pierre b) Bismark c) Lansing d) St. Paul 4) What is the capital of Wisconsin? a) Lincoln b) Indianapolis c) Madison d) Des Moines 5) What is the capital of Illinois? a) Springfield b) Chicago c) Pierre 6) What is the capital of Indiana? a) Columbus b) St. Paul c) Indianapolis d) Lincoln 7) What is the capital of Ohio? a) Lansing b) Columbus c) Madison 8) What is the capital of Michigan? a) Pierre b) Bismark c) Lansing

Midwest States and Capitals (Part 2)

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