Is there any food or drinks you have _____ off recently? - Is there any food or drinks you have gone off recently?, Have you ever _____ part in any contest or competition? - Have you ever taken part in any contest or competition?, What sphere would you like to _____ a degree in? - What sphere would you like to get a degree in?, Do you think you will colour your hair when it _____ grey? - Do you think you will colour your hair when it goes grey?, Can you _____ a responsibility for a plant or a pet? - Can you take a responsibility for a plant or a pet?, What helps you to _____ on well with your colleagues? - What helps you to get on well with your colleagues?, What type of housework do you enjoy _____? - What type of housework do you enjoy doing?, Is there a person who always asks you to _____ him/ her a favour? - Is there a person who always asks you to do him/ her a favour?, Who do you _____ after - your mom or dad? - Who do you take after - your mom or dad?, At what age should people _____ married in your opinion? - At what age should people get married in your opinion?,

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