1) Are you hungry? - No, I've ____ had lunch. a) already b) still c) just 2) Now I've had my bicycle ___ two years a) for b) since c) in 3) Have you _____ tried sushi? a) yet b) ever c) never 4) We've ______ read this book. a) already b) still c) ever 5) I ___ haven't understood this theory. a) never b) still c) yet 6) She's _____been to my country. a) ever b) never c) yet 7) My family have ______ lived in this flat ____5 years a) already / since b) just / for c) already / for 8) Has your brother ____ taken part in our meetings? a) still b) ever c) never 9) Where is mum? - She's _____ left. a) already b) still c) just 10) This film hasn't been on TV ____ I was a child! a) since b) for c) when 11) Would you like some coffee? - Thanks, I've ____had a cup of tea. a) already b) just c) never 12) I've ______ seen this play before. a) never b) ever c) just 13) Have you ____ ridden an elephant? a) ever b) still c) yet 14) I haven't been out today____. a) yet b) still c) already 15) He ____hasn't sent the message. a) already b) still c) just 16) I've been to this Chinese restaurant ____. a) already b) yet c) never 17) Have you tidied your room ____? a) already b) yet c) still 18) The shop has closed _____ March. a) for b) in c) since 19) He's written the report ____ a week now! a) for b) since c) on 20) What's his name? I ____haven't remembered. a) yet b) just c) still

Present Perfect


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