1) Where's the dog? a) Under the table. b) On the table. c) In the table. 2) Where's the elephant? a) In the ball. b) On the ball. c) Under the ball. 3) Where's the cat? a) Under the bag. b) On the bag. c) In the bag. 4) Where's the rabbit? a) In the table. b) On the table. c) Under the table. 5) Where's the bag? a) Under the table. b) In the table. c) On the table. 6) Where's the apple? a) In the chair. b) Under the chair. c) On the chair. 7) Where's the toy soldier? a) On the shelf. b) In the shelf. c) Under the shelf. 8) Where's the teddy bear? a) Under the box. b) In the box. c) On the box. 9) Where's the doll? a) On the chair. b) Under the chair. c) In the chair. 10) Where's the girl? a) In the table. b) On the table. c) Under the table.


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