1) What is another name for the coronavirus? a) cov-18 b) cv-19 c) covid-19 d) coronary flu 2) How long are you supposed to wash your hands? a) 20 seconds b) 10 seconds c) 30 seconds d) no specific time 3) What's best quarantine entertainment? a) netflix b) reading c) social media scrolling d) crying 4) What are the symptoms of coronavirus? a) Fever b) Shortness of breath c) Cough d) All of the above 5) What is Coronavirus? a) A viral infection b) A bacterial infection 6) Where did the coronavirus originate? a) China b) Australia c) Japan d) Russia 7) The distinguishing feature of a coronavirus is its: a) Deadliness b) Mobility c) Size d) Shape 8) Why is coronavirus called coronavirus? a) Because you Get it from Corona Extra beer b) Because the virus looks like a crown, and in Spanish, corown is corona c) Because the virus looks the the corona layer around the sun d) Because the first person to discover coronavirus' last name was Corona 9) To protect yourself from coronavirus you should: a) Wash your hands for at least 20 seconds b) Stay home 5-14 days c) Don't go in places with very much people/animals d) Don't travel to other places 10) Coronavirus infections are likely to be more serious for: a) Frequent travelers b) People with weakened immune systems c) Teens d) Active adults 11) What is the death rate of Coronavirus? a) 3.4% b) 99% c) 0.01% 12) The CDC and the United Nations declared coronavirus... a) A International Quarentine b) An international emergency c) A deadly virus d) A worldwide Pandemic 13) Scientists have found a cure for Coronavirus a) True b) False 14) When was the first time someone discovered coronavirus? a) November 23, 2019 b) January 13, 2020 c) December 8, 2019 d) Yesterday

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