What do you do if you have a headache? (zero), What do you do if you forget your shop list at home? (zero), What will happen if you lose your house key? (first), What will happen if you are late for work? (first), What will happen if you miss your bus tomorrow? (first), What would you do if a stranger in the street tried to steal your bag? (second), What would you do if you got a message from a person you don't know? (second), What happens if you are late for English class? (zero), What will you do if your boss asks you to work overtime? (first), What do you do if you leave your house unlocked? (zero), What will you do if it rains this weekend? (first), What do you do if you can't remember someone's name when you are talking to him/her? (zero), What happens if you don't study for a test? (zero), What will you do if you don't understand the lesson? (first), What do you do when you can't sleep? (zero).

Zero, First, and Second Conditional

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