skiing - a sport that you do on snow in the mountains, caving -  a sport where you go down under the ground to explore, paragliding - a sport where you jump off a hill and fly in the air, baseball - a sport where you hit a ball with a bat, rugby - a team sport played with an egg-shaped ball, rock climbing - a sport where you climb mountains using ropes, ice-skating - a sport where you slide over a frozer wáter wearing special boots, mountain biking - a sport where you ride fast down hills on a bicycle, pearl - a small round White object that grows inside a type of a seashell, freedom - the feeling that you can do whatever you want to do, diving - a sport where you swim Deep down under the sea, environment - the natural world, equipment - the things you need for an activity or sport, talented - very good at doing something, snorkelling - a sport where you swim under the sea wearing a mask and a breathing tube, wildlife - animals and birds,

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