Registered Nurse - Nurse who has graduated from a college's nursing program or from a school of nursing and has passed a national licensing exam., Nurse Practitioner - Nurse who is qualified to treat some medical conditions and write prescriptions without the direct supervision of a doctor., Triage  - To decide the order of treatment of a large number of patients or casualties., Obstetrician - Doctor who specializes in pregnancy and delivers babies, Gynecologist - Doctor who specializes in women's health, Bedside Nurse - Nurse who provides care at the bed side of patients in hospital or in a nursing home, Emergency Room  - Place that treats life threatening health conditions, Urgent Care - Place that treats minor illness or injury that cannot wait until tomorrow, Unconscious  - Someone who is unresponsive, without awareness, 4 years - Time it takes to become a registered nurse, 11 years - Time it takes to become a doctor, Provider  - Anyone who provides healthcare services e.g. doctor, physical therapist, nurse,

Presentation Roundup: Healthcare


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