1) be good ..... swimming a) about b) at c) of d) with 2) be nervous ...... exams a) at b) of c) with d) about 3) be popular ..... teenagers a) with b) about c) of d) at 4) be proud ..... my country a) at b) with c) of d) about 5) be keen ...... pop-music a) about b) at c) of d) on 6) be jealous ...... my sister a) about b) of c) with d) at 7) be fond ...... sport a) about b) with c) at d) of 8) be close ..... my parents a) to b) of c) about d) at 9) spend some time  .... the seaside a) at b) in c) on d) with 10) be ....... hire a) on b) in c) for d) at 11) pay ....... advance a) on b) for c) at d) in 12) be calm ...... nature a) in b) by c) of d) at 13) be addicted ....... shopping a) at b) in c) of d) to 14) be ...... fashion a) of b) in c) on d) with 15) start a carrier ...... business a) in b) of c) at d) with 16) ....... the beginning of the year/....... the end of the year a) on b) in c) at d) for

Spotlight 8 Module 1f - 6f Dependent Prepositions

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