salary - the money you are paid every month, income - the total amount of money you receive a year, income tax - the part of you income which goes to the government, wage - the money paid for each hour/day/week of work to people who do more physical jobs, minimum wage - an amount of money workers receive, and employers cannot pay less than this, to do for a living - to earn money, to set up a business - to start a business, be responsible for - to be in control of sth, to deal with the marketing - to do the work in marketing, to run a company - to organise and control a company, to complain - say that something is wrong or is not satisfactory, work fixed hours - to work always the same, to work nine to five - to work fixed hours, to work overtime - work extra hours, to have a day off - not to work at this particilar day,

Unit 36 Work (Vocabulary in Use (Pre-)Intermediate Unit 36)

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