Binary - A numbering scheme in which there are only two possible values for each digit, Denary - A numerical system of notation which uses 10 as its base, Bit - A binary digit, Nibble - Half a byte (4 bits), Byte - Eight bits, Kb - A thousand bytes, Mb - A million bytes, Gb - A billion bytes, Binary shift - A left shift multiplies by 2 and a right shift divides by 2, Hexadecimal - A numerical system of notation which uses 16 rather than 10 as its base. , Decimal - Another name for denary, 7-bit ASCII - A coding use 7-bits giving 32 control codes and 96 displayable characters, Unicode - A 16-bit extension of ASCII which incorporates characters from almost all the world’s languages,

GCSE-U2: Definitions (Binary and Hex)

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