1) What type of linking word is "And"? a) Contrast b) Result c) Addition d) Example e) Comparison f) Reason 2) What type of linking word is "But"? a) Contrast b) Result c) Addition d) Example e) Comparison f) Reason 3) What type of linking word is "Like"? a) Contrast b) Result c) Addition d) Example e) Comparison f) Reason 4) I love ice cream. ____________, my brother hates it. a) Therefore b) On the other hand c) Such as d) Despite e) Like f) And 5) What type of linking word is "Such as"? a) Contrast b) Result c) Addition d) Example e) Comparison f) Reason 6) What type of linking word is "Because"? a) Contrast b) Result c) Addition d) Example e) Comparison f) Reason

Linking words

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Vizualinis stilius


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