How____ salt did you put in this spaghetti?, My mom only allows me to eat_____ junk food every week., I have a big box of cookies. Would you like______?, There are only _____ questions to answer in this quiz., There are not_____ options here. They only offer 3 lunch sets., I'm afraid I can't go out with you. I've got ______ things to do., That poor lady only got ___________ dollars in her purse., Mr. Brown is hot-tempered and he doesn't have_____ patience., We've got ___________ apples. Let's make some juice., The room is so quiet as there are very _____ children in it., I've drunk so ______ water that I feel full right now., You look great! How______ pounds have you lost?, Hurry up! We have _____ time left., He has very ______knowledge on the subject. In fact, he knows nothing.,

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