1) I have a sore throat a) you should see a dentist b) you should keep your throat warm c) you should wear warm clothes 2) What's the matter with you? a) I have a toothache b) I have an earache c) I have the flu 3) I have a toothache a) you should see a dentist b) you should stay in bed c) you should take vitamin c 4) What's the matter with him? a) He has an earache b) He has a toothache c) He has a headache 5) I have a backache a) you should wear warm clothes b) you should stay in bed/ take a rest c) you should take some cough syrup 6) What's the matter with him? a) He has a cough b) He has the flu c) He has a fever 7) I have a headache a) you should see a dentist b) you should drink hot milk c) you should take a pill 8) What's the matter with her? a) She has a sorethroat b) She has a cold c) She has an earache 9) I have a sore throat a) you shouldn't drink cold water b) you should go outside c) you shouldn't carry heavy things 10) What's the matter with her? a) She has a stomachache b) She is coughing c) She has a backache 11) I have a stomachache a) you should go to a doctor b) you should take a warm shower c) you should take vitamin c 12) What's the matter with her? a) She has a stomachache b) She has a fever c) She has a headache 13) I have the flu a) you should see a dentist b) you should take vitamin C/ have a rest c) you should take cough syrup 14) I have a backache a) you shouldn't take some medicine b) you shouldn't carry heavy things c) you shouldn't go to a doctor 15) What's the matter with you? a) I have a headache b) I have a stomachache c) I have a sore throat 16) I have a bad cough a) you should take cough syrup b) you shouldn't go to doctor c) you shouldn't take a rest 17) I have a cold a) you shouldn't go to a doctor b) you should wear warm clothes c) you should drink cold water 18) What's the matter with her? a) She has an earache b) She has a sore throat c) She is coughing 19) I have a fever a) you should eat ice cream b) you should take a warm shower c) you should go outside 20) I have a tootache a) you shouldn't eat chocolate b) you shouldn't brush your teeth c) you shouldn't take a painkiller

5th grade Unit 5: Health

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