Health - a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being, and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity, Mental Health - refers to how well an individual can cope with the normal stresses of everyday life, Social Health - refers to how an individual is able to interact with others and participate in their community, Physical Health - refers to how efficiently the body and its systems are functioning, Carbohydrates - used for energy and to be able to stay alert and active, Fat - used as insulation to keep us warm and as protection for our vital organs, Protein - important for building, maintaining, and repairing the body, Vitamins - important for the healthy functioning of our bodies (including immunity), Minerals - important for the healthy functioning of our bodies (including growing strong bones), Water - helps regulate our temperature and transport nutrients, Activity Time - sixty minutes of moderate to vigorous activity every day,  Electronic Media - no more than two hours of electronic media each day, Sedentary Behaviour - the term used to describe activities that involve minimal movement, Obesity - a condition where a person has accumulated so much body fat that it might have a negative effect on their health, Cardiovasular Disease - a term used to describe all the diseases of the heart and blood vessels,

Term 1 - Match Up - Dimensions and Nutrients

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