1) " Let's go to the gym together," Helen says to them. Helen _______ them to go to the gym together. a) says b) tells 2) "You shouldn't spend hours playing online games," she tells me. She ______ me not to spend hours playing online games.  a) asks b) advises 3) "Turn the TV off!" Dad says to me. Dad ______ me to turn the TV off. a) asks b) says 4) "Close your books," Mrs Anna says. Mrs Anna tells ____ to close ____ books. a) them/your b) us/our 5) "Please give me my charger," John says to David. John asks David to give ____ his charger. a) him b) me 6) "Don't delete my files from your USB," my brother says to me. My brother tells me not to delete ___ files from ___ USB.  a) his/my b) our/his 7) "Put your phone away!" Dad says to Julie. Dad ______ Julie to put her phone away. a) tells b) advises 8) "Let's watch a chat show," Mary says. Mary _____ me to watch a chat show. a) asks b) says 9) "Will you book the tickets for the play?" he says. He ______ me to book the tickets for the play. a) asks b) orders 10) "Answer ________ phone," Chris says to me. Chris tells me to answer my phone. a) my b) your

Reported orders/requests/demands/suggestions/advice (RO4; M4 4b)

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