1) How many bones are there in the average person's body? a) 33 b) 206 c) 639 d) it varies by individual 2) Which bone protecte the brain? a) Calcium b) The cranium c) The cerebrum d) The cerebellum 3) Which bone is the longest & strongest bone in the human body? a) Cranium b) Femur c) Tabia d) Radius 4) The ribs, sternum and scapulae are all what type of bone? a) Long b) Flat c) Short d) Irregular 5) Tendons hold musle to bone. a) True b) False c) Not sure d) Maybe 6) The 'sternum' is very important bone that protects the _______ . a) Heart b) Liver c) Lungs d) Brain 7) Which of the following bone listed is an example of a 'long' bone? a) Mandible b) Ulna c) Ribs d) Phalanges 8) The human vertebrae are classified as which type of bone? a) Long b) Irregular c) Flat d) Short 9) The appendicular skeleton is comprised of _____ bones. a) 126 b) 100 c) 80 d) 110 10) Ligements hold bone to bone. a) True b) False c) Maybe d) Not have

Topic 5: Skeletal System

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