Terms - Parts of an algebraic expression. Seperated by plus or minus signs., Variable - A symbol or letter that represents one or more numbers., Coefficient - A number in a term that is before the variable. (Stuck to the variable), Constant - A number by itself. (The third wheel), Algebraic Expression - An expression that may contain numbers, operations and variables. Does not have an equal sign., 4 - How many terms are in the following: 6y + 2r - 7w + 9, 9 - What is the constant in the following: 6y + 2r - 7w +9?, 3 - How many variables are there in the following: 6y + 2r - 7w +9?, 1 - What is the coefficient of y in the following: y + 9?, 2 - What is the coefficient of r in the following: 6y + 2r - 7w + 9?, 7  - What is the coefficient of w in the following: 7w + 9?, 8 - What is the constant in the following: 9y - 4r + 8, t - What is the variable in the following: 8t + 3, b - What is the variable in the following: 2b - 9 ,

Vocabulary - Algebraic Expressions

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