be a bone of contention - a subject that causes disagreement and arguments between people, back to square one - to return to a situation you were in at the beginning of a project, task etc, because you have made no real progress, chop and change - to keep changing your mind or what you are doing, be close at hand - near; in a place where sth/smb can be reached, go from strength to strength - become more and more successful, be in smb's hands - being taken care of or controlled by smb, jump out of your skin - to move violently because of a sudden shock, make great strides - to improve te way in which sth is developing, make no bones about sth - to be open and honest about sth, move the goalposts - to change the rules for sth so that the situation becomes more difficult for smb, pull your socks up - to try to improve your performance, work, behaviour etc., be all skin and bones - extremely thin in a way that is not healthy or attractive, turn the corner - to pass a very important point in an illness or a difficult situation and begin to improve, turn upside down - to cause large changes and confusion in a person's life,

Unit 1 idioms Insight Advanced

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