Pathogen - Disease-causing organism, First line of general defence - Skin, mucus, cilia, lysozyme, Second line of general defence - Phagocytic white blood cells, defence proteins, inflammation, Specific defence system - Monocytes and lymphocytes, Monocytes - Recognise antigens, digest pathogens and then display antigens on their surface, Antigen - Foreign molecule that stimulates the production of antibodies, Antibody - Protein produced by white blood cells in response to an antigen, Active immunity - Production of a person's own antibodies, Natural active immunity - When you get an infection, Natural artificial immunity - Pathogen medically introduced to the body, Vaccine - Non-disease causing dose of a pathogen, Natural passive immunity - Breastfeeding, Artificial passive immunity - Anti-tetanus injection, Passive immunity - Individuals given antibodies that were formed by another organism, Killer T cells - Destroy abnormal body cells, Suppressor T cells - Inhibit the immune response, Plasma B cells - Produce antibodies, Helper T cells - Stimulate the production of B cells and Killer T cells,

Human Defence System

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